Salisbury Foundation Trust


Internal Reference Number: FOI_8194

Date Request Received: 09/10/2024 00:00:00

Date Request Replied To: 07/11/2024 00:00:00

This response was sent via: By Email

Request Summary: Alopecia

Request Category: Charities

Question Number 1:
I am writing to you to request the following information about alopecia care under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. - The attached Excel spreadsheet includes the questions and space for your response. I have also included the questions below but would be grateful if you could respond in the Excel template.

Section 1: Patient pathways and prescription

1.Do you have a patient pathway for alopecia?

1.(a) If yes, what does it say, and when was it last reviewed, does it include referral from primary to secondary care?

1.(b) If no, please explain any reasons for what has prevented this (e.g. budgets, other priorities, other organisations' responsibility).

1.(c) If no, do you prescribe some off license treatments (e.g. topical steroids) in your Trust?

Answer To Question 1:
Please find attached response from the Medicine Division.
Please find attached responses from the Surgery Division.

To accompany this answer to question 1 please also see the documents listed below:

 8194 - Alopecia response sheet - Medicine & Surgery Completed.xlsx
Question Number 2:
Section 1: Patient pathways and prescription

2. Are patients with alopecia areata in your Trust area able to be prescribed ritlecitinib, as approved by NICE technology appraisal guidance TA958?

2.(a) If yes, could you provide information on any policy or limitations on the number of patients with alopecia areata that can be prescribed ritlecitinib?

2.(b) If no, or if any limitations are present, please explain any reasons for not adhering to NICE’s mandatory guidance (e.g. budgets, other priorities, other organisations' responsibility).
Answer To Question 2:
See answers on Q1.
Question Number 3:
Section 2: Clinics and referrals in your area

3. Are you currently referring alopecia patients to secondary/tertiary care?

3.(a) If yes, please explain the referral criteria, including whether referrals are for virtual or in person appointments?

3.(b) If no, what is preventing this? (e.g. budgets / other priorities / other organisations' responsibility)

Answer To Question 3:
See answers on Q1.
Question Number 4:
Section 2: Clinics and referrals in your area

4. What is the average time for a patient with alopecia to be referred to secondary/tertiary care within your Trust?
Answer To Question 4:
See answers on Q1.
Question Number 5:
Section 3: Wigs

5. Do you have a wig policy for patients with alopecia in your Trust?

5.(a) If so, what does your policy state regarding the provision of wigs for alopecia patients? Specifically, please address the following:

• Are all types of alopecia eligible for a wig?

• How many wigs are provided to patients per year?

• Are there any limitations on the type of wig available (e.g. acrylic or human hair wigs)?

• Do patients have a choice of supplier? And if so, how many?

• How do patients pay for their wigs?

• Are patients allowed to pay a top-up to the prescription to get a wig that costs more?

5.(b) If no, what has prevented this so far?
Answer To Question 5:
See answers on Q1.
Question Number 6:
Section 4: Mental Health

6. Are the associated mental health or psychological challenges of patients with alopecia assessed in your Trust?

6.(a) If yes, please explain what specific support is available, whether people are signposted to relevant support organisations, and if there is any criteria to receive support (e.g. percentage of hair loss, type of alopecia)?

6.(b) If no, please explain what has prevented this so far?
Answer To Question 6:
See answers on Q1.
Question Number 7:
Section 5: Awareness of local population

7. Have you reviewed the alopecia needs of your local population (e.g. numbers of people living with alopecia who are diagnosed and not yet diagnosed, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic groups)?

7.(a) If yes, please give details.

7.(b) If no, what has prevented this and are there plans to do so?
Answer To Question 7:
See answers on Q1.
Question Number 8:
Section 5: Awareness of local population

8. Are you aware of local inequalities of access to care services for people with alopecia amongst any groups (e.g. by gender, ethnicity, socio-economic groups)?

8.(a) If yes, please give details of the inequalities and any work you are doing or planning to do to address this.

8.(b) If no, are there plans to do so?
Answer To Question 8:
See answers on Q1.
Please see Attachments:
To return to the list of all the FOI requests please click here

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