Internal Reference Number: FOI_8196
Date Request Received: 09/10/2024 00:00:00
Date Request Replied To: 30/10/2024 00:00:00
This response was sent via: By Email
Request Summary: Hospital emergency admissions over 65s from care homes
Request Category: Private Individuals
Question Number 1: Please can you give the following information for the following years 2021, 2022, 2023 and if possible so far 2024. 1. How many people over the age of 65 were admitted to your hospital(s) as an unplanned (emergency) admissions who were usually resident in a care home or a nursing home. Please break down by years and if possible whether it was a care home or a nursing home. | |
Answer To Question 1: Please see our response to questions 1 and 3 in the Excel spreadsheet attached. To accompany this answer to question 1 please also see the documents listed below: ![]() | |
Question Number 2: Of those people from Q1 how many safeguarding reports were made about concerns around the patients welfare? Ie abuse or neglect? Please breakdown by years and if possible breakdown the type of safeguarding referral by category ie abuse, neglect. Of those people from Q1 how many were recorded as either malnourished or dehydrated. (not necessarily their primary reason for being admitted). Please break down by years and if possible whether they were malnourished or dehydrated or both. | |
Answer To Question 2: The information is not held in a reportable format and would mean going into each report manually to extract data from over 2000 records. This is not possible within the 18 hours. Please see exemption notice. | |
Question Number 3: Of those people from Q2 how many were recorded as being admitted due to being malnourished or dehydrated (their primary reason for being admitted). Please break down by years and if possible whether they were malnourished or dehydrated or both. | |
Answer To Question 3: Please see attached spreadsheet. | |
Question Number 4: Of those people from Q2 (recorded as dehydrated or malnourished) how many safeguarding concerns were made about the patient? Please break down by years. | |
Answer To Question 4: The information is not held in a reportable format and would mean going into each report manually to extract data from over 2000 records. This is not possible within the 18 hours. Please see exemption notice. | |
Please see Attachments: | |
To return to the list of all the FOI requests please click here |
Our staff at Salisbury District Hospital have long been well regarded for the quality of care and treatment they provide for our patients and for their innovation, commitment and professionalism. This has been recognised in a wide range of achievements and it is reflected in our award of NHS Foundation Trust status. This is afforded to hospitals that provide the highest standards of care.