Salisbury Foundation Trust


Internal Reference Number: FOI_8207

Date Request Received: 15/10/2024 00:00:00

Date Request Replied To: 27/11/2024 00:00:00

This response was sent via: By Email

Request Summary: Waitlist Validation and Data Linkage

Request Category: Private Individuals

Question Number 1:
I am conducting some research on waitlist validation and data linkage in the NHS. I am particularly interested in the different techniques and solutions used for these purposes.

How is waitlist validation carried out in your Trusts? Please select one of the following options: Manually / Semi-automated / Automated.

a. If your response was semi-automated or automated, which tools do you use? Please specify the types of tools or software used.
Answer To Question 1:
Semi automated - using DrDr other than that the process is manual.
Question Number 2:
How many FTEs currently work on waitlist validation and what band are they? Please specify the number per band.
Answer To Question 2:
1x FTE band 4 / 3.28 x FTW band 3 - this is the RTT validation team only, other w/list validation is done adhoc using staff in different departments.
Question Number 3:
How has your FTE count working on waitlist validation increased in the past 2-3 years? Please provide an estimate if you do not have the exact number.
Answer To Question 3:
No FTE increase.
Question Number 4:
In the past 12 months, approximately how long has the waitlist validation process taken? Please provide an estimate if you do not have the exact number.
Answer To Question 4:
For RTT validation the long waiter validation takes approx 30 hours per week, this does not take into account adhoc w/list validation that goes on Trust wide.
Question Number 5:
What data quality issues have been identified the most frequently as part of the waitlist validation process? Please select those that apply from the list below:

a. Decision to admit but no waiting list entry

b. Missing waiting list or pathway information (e.g. due date, intended procedure)

c. Patients on an admitted waiting list without an active RTT (Referral to Treatment Pathway) clock

d. Past TCI (To Come In) dates

e. Potential duplicates

f. Other - please specify
Answer To Question 5:
A, B, C, D, E
Question Number 6:
What are your current approaches to linking data? Please select one of the following options: Manually or semi-automated / Automated
Answer To Question 6:
No response to email query sent to requestor 11/11/2024 so unable to respond.
Question Number 7:
What is the proportion of data linkage that is manual and automated? Please provide an estimate if you do not have the exact number.

a. If automated, what tools are used? Please provide the name of the tools.

b. If manual, what tools are used e.g. R, data bricks? Please provide the name of the tools.
Answer To Question 7:
No response to email query sent to requestor 11/11/2024 so unable to respond.
Question Number 8:
Currently, is the data linking process cumbersome? Please select one option: Yes/No
Answer To Question 8:
No response to email query sent to requestor 11/11/2024 so unable to respond.
Question Number 9:
And does it take away from people’s everyday role? Please select one option: Yes/No
Answer To Question 9:
No response to email query sent to requestor 11/11/2024 so unable to respond.
To return to the list of all the FOI requests please click here

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