Thursday 06 February 2025
Salisbury Foundation Trust


Internal Reference Number: FOI_8210

Date Request Received: 17/10/2024 00:00:00

Date Request Replied To: 07/11/2024 00:00:00

This response was sent via: By Email

Request Summary: Provision of chronic pain clinics for people with cancer related chronic pain

Request Category: Researcher

Question Number 1:
a) Is a multi-disciplinary chronic pain service provided by the Trust? (if yes, please continue to question 2, if no please answer question 1b)

b) Where is chronic pain being managed in your organisation for people with:

i) Cancer tumour related pain (i.e. people with a current oncological or haematological cancer diagnosis who are experiencing pain)

ii) Cancer related late effects pain or chronic pain caused by cancer treatments (i.e. pain caused by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy or surgery)
Answer To Question 1:
a) Yes

b) Within the cancer services site specific team or through palliative care
Question Number 2:
Is the multi-disciplinary chronic pain service based in an acute hospital or a community setting? (please expand if needed)

Answer To Question 2:
In an acute hospital setting (but in rehabilitation centre in a separate building on the hospital site)
Question Number 3:
What is the current waiting time from referral to first appointment at the multi-disciplinary chronic pain service?
Answer To Question 3:
130 Days for an assessment with a Pain Consultant. 190 days for an assessment with a Therapist assessment (physio/OT)
Question Number 4:
Since October 2022, how many people did the multi-disciplinary chronic pain service see with:

i) Cancer tumour related pain (i.e. people with a current oncological or haematological cancer diagnosis who are experiencing pain)

ii) Cancer related late effects pain or chronic pain caused by cancer treatments (i.e. pain caused by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy or surgery)

Answer To Question 4:
Data not held
Question Number 5:
5) Can you please provide demographic information (% gender, age range and % ethnicity) for those seen in the multi-disciplinary chronic pain service with:

i) Cancer tumour related pain (i.e. people with a current oncological or haematological cancer diagnosis who are experiencing pain)


Age range:

Answer To Question 5:
Data not held
Question Number 6:
Can you please provide demographic information (% gender, age range and % ethnicity) for those seen in the multi-disciplinary chronic pain service with:

ii) Cancer related late effects pain or chronic pain caused by cancer treatments (i.e. pain caused by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy or surgery)


Age range:

Answer To Question 6:
Data not held
Question Number 7:
If you cannot answer question 5, can you please explain why?
Answer To Question 7:
The Trust do not currently collect data on reason for referrals into the pain service and so would not be able to divide the data into condition specific areas such as cancers. We also do not collect data on ethnicity currently.
To return to the list of all the FOI requests please click here

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