Salisbury Foundation Trust


Internal Reference Number: FOI_8216

Date Request Received: 18/10/2024 00:00:00

Date Request Replied To: 29/10/2024 00:00:00

This response was sent via: By Email

Request Summary: Long Covid Clinics

Request Category: Companies

Question Number 1:
How many Long Covid Clinics for Adults are there within your Trust?
Answer To Question 1:
Adult Medicine response - No clinics are held.
Question Number 2:
How many Long Covid Clinics for Children are there within your Trust?

Answer To Question 2:
There are no long covid clinics for children in the Trust
Question Number 3:
Can you list each Long Covid Clinic for Adults within your Trust?
Answer To Question 3:
Adult Medicine response - No clinics are available
Question Number 4:
Can you list each Long Covid Clinic for Children within your Trust?
Answer To Question 4:
There are no long covid clinics for children in the Trust
Question Number 5:
If you have no Long Covid Clinics for Adults within your Trust, what services do you provide for Adults?
Answer To Question 5:
Although there are no long covid clinics in Adult Medicine,  patients with symptoms would be supported and referred to the relative appropriate specialities to be able to treat patients who have this diagnosis, so that they can receive appropriate healthcare and support.
Question Number 6:
If you have no Long Covid Clinics for Children within your Trust, what services do you provide for Children?
Answer To Question 6:
Response from Paediatric team:

We offer an outpatient general paediatric service and will see children and young people referred with suspected long covid in a general paediatric clinic. If the main symptom is fatigue then there is a paediatrician with a special interest who will be able to support them with follow up appointments, or they can be referred to the specialist fatigue clinic in Bath hospital if more intensive support is needed. If the main symptom is breathlessness then we have physiotherapists who have expertise in this, and also have a respiratory clinic who could follow them up. Though there is no long covid MDT service,  we can work alongside different disciplines and organizations to make sure that young people are receiving the healthcare they need if they have long covid.
To return to the list of all the FOI requests please click here

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Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, Salisbury District Hospital, Odstock Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 8BJ
T: 01722 336262 E:
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