Salisbury Foundation Trust


Internal Reference Number: FOI_8260

Date Request Received: 06/11/2024 00:00:00

Date Request Replied To: 25/11/2024 00:00:00

This response was sent via: By Email

Request Summary: Contract Register, Procurement Strategy, and Contact Details

Request Category: Private Individuals

Question Number 1:
I am writing to submit a Freedom of Information request for information related to the organisation's contracts register, procurement strategy document, and contact details. Please find the detailed requests below:

1. Contract Register Request:

I am seeking the full and entirety of the organisation's contract register or database. The register should include the following columns/headings or something similar:

• Contract Reference -Unique reference number associated with the contract.
• Contract Title
• Procurement Category –
• Supplier Name
• Spend (Total, Annual or contract value)
• Contract Duration
• Contract Extensions
• Contract Start Date
• Contract Expiry Date
• Contract Description [Please provide me with as much detail as possible.]
• Contact Owner (Person that manages the contract register)
• Contact details of section 151 officer
• CPV codes/Pro-Class
• How many contracts are currently held on the contract register

If any of the headings within your contract register has not been provided, please state this within your response.

Please provide the contract's register file in Excel format.

1. If the organisation has a CRM system or a similar system, ensure there is a facility to download and extract contract data.

2. If providing a weblink to a portal, ensure that all contracts are included, as some organisations may only upload a small portion of their contracts.

3. For organisations planning to make an exemption around spend, clarify that the spend information requested is an overall figure, and a complete breakdown is not required.

Please provide the contract's register file in Excel format.
Answer To Question 1:
Attached is a copy of the BSW Contract Database, with the requesting headings.
Please note, the "Contact Owner (Person that manages the contract register)" could not be provided, as the Trust cannot release contact details for any individual below a Band 8a.

The Section 151 Officer for Procurement is; 01722 425106.

To accompany this answer to question 1 please also see the documents listed below:

 FOI_8260 BSW Contract Database.xlsx
Question Number 2:
Procurement Strategy Document Request:

• Can the organisation provide a full version of their Procurement Strategy for the fiscal year 2024-2025?

• If the Procurement Strategy is a strategic direction (2022-2025) instead of an annual plan, please provide an update document for 2023-2024. If an update cannot be provided, please provide information on when an update is planned to be published.

• We require the full document. If any parts of this document have been removed, please state this within your response.
Answer To Question 2:
Strategy documentation has been attached (also available here:

BSW currently does not operate under an annual plan strategy process, and currently no updated plan is in development.

To accompany this answer to question 2 please also see the documents listed below:

 BSW Procurement Strategy 2021-2024 Final.pdf
Question Number 3:
. Contact Details Request:

• Provide contact details of the person responsible for API or data sharing, including [Name, Job Title, Telephone, Email Address].

• Provide contact details of the person responsible for the actual contract's register, including [Name, Job Title, Telephone, Email Address].
Answer To Question 3:
The Trust is unable to publish the contact details for any individual below a Band 8a.
Please see Attachments:
To return to the list of all the FOI requests please click here

Our staff at Salisbury District Hospital have long been well regarded for the quality of care and treatment they provide for our patients and for their innovation, commitment and professionalism. This has been recognised in a wide range of achievements and it is reflected in our award of NHS Foundation Trust status. This is afforded to hospitals that provide the highest standards of care.

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Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, Salisbury District Hospital, Odstock Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 8BJ
T: 01722 336262 E:
© 2025 Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
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