Internal Reference Number: FOI_6997
Date Request Received: 30/01/2023 00:00:00
Date Request Replied To: 14/03/2023 00:00:00
This response was sent via: By Email
Request Summary: Patient medical negligence claims
Request Category: Companies
Question Number 1: We are asking for the number of medical negligence claims made and the number of claims settled against the individual NHS hospitals within your Trust in the last full year. We require the following details within the information you provide: • Hospital name • Trust name • Year of data • Number of admissions • Number of hospital beds • Number of negligence claims received • Number of Letters of Claims received • How many SIRI / RCA / Serious Incident reports have you prepared • Number of claims settled • Amount of compensation paid out • Does the hospital have a maternity ward? • Gender of claimants % (male/female/other) (This information is in relation to patient claims, not staff.) We have attached a spreadsheet detailing all of the information we need in the correct format | |
Answer To Question 1: • Hospital name - Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust • Trust name - Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust • Year of data - 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2022 • Number of admissions - 67,022. - This includes all methods of admissions i.e. elective and emergency, and all types of admitted patient care e.g. overnight stays, daycases and regular day attendances. • Number of hospital beds - the total number of core beds available (adults), which is currently 397 + 16 paediatric beds = 413 total • Number of negligence claims received - based on issued in court only x 4 • Number of Letters of Claims received - 36 • How many SIRI / RCA / Serious Incident reports have you prepared - 79 SII/CRs were commissioned. This data however does not mean that all of these reviews are completed fully as yet. • Number of claims settled - 5 • Amount of compensation paid out - Please see the NHSR who will have this data as we do not pay out damages ourselves. • Does the hospital have a maternity ward? - Yes • Gender of claimants % (male/female/other)- We do not hold that information as it’s not included in the data input onto our reporting system To accompany this answer to question 1 please also see the documents listed below: ![]() | |
Please see Attachments: | |
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Our staff at Salisbury District Hospital have long been well regarded for the quality of care and treatment they provide for our patients and for their innovation, commitment and professionalism. This has been recognised in a wide range of achievements and it is reflected in our award of NHS Foundation Trust status. This is afforded to hospitals that provide the highest standards of care.