Salisbury Foundation Trust

Starting your learning


Step 1

Review all the sections on the ‘Corporate Induction’ below



A welcome from our Chief Executive Stacey Hunter (Video)


We are committed to being the ‘Best Place to work’ for our staff. 


A welcome from our Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, Lizzie Swift (Video)


A welcome presentation from our ‘OD & People’ team


A welcome from Rex Webb, our Head of Equality and Diversity (Video)


A message from our Staff Union Representative (Video)


An introduction to Information Governance (Video)


Fire Safety presentation


Safeguarding children and adults 

Some information you might find helpful in addition to you safeguarding MLE learning.



Step 2            

Log in to MLE

Go to:

(This works best using Chrome if you have it)

Your learning will be setup for you on your ‘learning plan’. Some instructions on how to use MLE are available for you here – 

Before you start you will receive your log in details to our Learning Management System, ‘MLE’. If you have not received a login, or have any questions/ issues then please contact the Education Department on 01722 336262 ext 5828 or email


Step 3

Complete the learning allocated to you on MLE

Your MLE account will display the learning that you need to do for your role. The learning that you must complete before you enter the trust please are:

  • Fire Safety
  • Safeguarding Children and Adults
  • Infection Control
  • Manual Handling
  • Information Governance

If you are transferring from another NHS Organisation we can ‘passport’ your E-Learning onto the MLE, meaning that you won’t have to complete some of the training again.

All you need to do is email one of the following to us at:

  • A record of training exported from your ESR record
  • A scanned or photographed version of attendance certificates


Step 4

Make sure you are booked onto any practical sessions you need

These should be in your learning plan if needed for your role:

  • Manual Handling (you must complete the e-learning before attendance)
  • Clinical Support Staff Induction

If you are unsure what you need, or need to reschedule a session that has been booked then please contact the Education Team on 01722 336262 ext 5835 or via

All Clinical Staff will need to phone and book your Resuscitation training on 2694.

This mandatory training cannot be transferred from another trust. The team will advise you on the level of training you need and book a session for you.


 Step 5            

Getting your IT Access

Your MLE account will also contain IT learning that you need to do for your role. This learning is contained under the Information Management and Technology heading in the MLE and is dependent on your job role.

Your manager will complete a IT user request authorising your access to our systems.  When received we will notify them of IT Induction session for you where we will set up your access.

Induction sessions are normally held on Tuesdays.

The IT Induction Admin Team can be contacted on 01722 336262 ext 5724 or email via


Step 6

Getting your Smartcard:

If you are employed by Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust please email to book an appointment for a Smartcard which will enable you to access the Trust Employee Staff Record (ESR) and other applications dependent on your job role.  You can also phone the team on 01722 336262 extension 4400.

The Smartcard office is located in the IT department, opposite the Finance department and near Hedgerows café in SDH Central. We can take bookings between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday. Please allow 30 minutes for your appointment. 

Had a SFT Smartcard in the past?

If you have had a Smartcard in the past, we can use your profile to print a new card or assign a Salisbury role to your existing card. You DO NOT need to go through the ID process to get a new card. 

First time Smartcard holder?

You will need to bring 3 forms of ID to the appointment. We require 2 photo and 1 address forms of ID.

For all ID provided, it must be the original copy - we cannot accept printouts, photocopies or emails

Photo ID examples include:

  • UK driving licence
  • Passport
  • UK Biometric residency card.

Proof of address examples include:

  • utility bill
  • letter from a utility company dated within the last 6 months (not mobile phone)
  • council tax bill dated within the last 12 months
  • HMRC tax code notice
  • financial statement dated within the last 6 months

Not got 2 forms of photo ID?

We can accept 1 photo ID


a UK birth certificate, marriage certificate, work/residency permit or UK full old-style paper driving license


1 form of address identification

If you have any questions about the identification required, please contact us via  or via phone prior to the appointment. 

Our staff at Salisbury District Hospital have long been well regarded for the quality of care and treatment they provide for our patients and for their innovation, commitment and professionalism. This has been recognised in a wide range of achievements and it is reflected in our award of NHS Foundation Trust status. This is afforded to hospitals that provide the highest standards of care.

Person Centred & Safe





Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, Salisbury District Hospital, Odstock Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 8BJ
T: 01722 336262 E:
© 2025 Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
Trust Values