Salisbury Foundation Trust


Statement from Salisbury District Hospital on Royal College of Nursing Industrial Action

16 January 2023
During the upcoming industrial action on 18th and 19th January by the Royal College of Nursing, Salisbury District Hospital will be operating a Bank Holiday level service. The focus of the hospital during the two days of strike action is to maintain safe and compassionate patient care. Our Accident & Emergency Department will be fully functional and we will have safe staffing levels for all inpatients. However, many of our outpatient clinics and planned surgery may be unable to go ahead as planned. Patients impacted will be contacted directly by the hospital. If you are not contacted directly we would ask you to attend as planned. The hospital has been working closely with the Royal College of Nursing to ensure our wards are safely staffed and that critical services are maintained. We would ask anyone that attends the hospital during the two days of industrial action to please be aware that staff will be stretched by the industrial action and to be prepared to wait a little longer or have appointments delayed. Here is a message from CEO Stacey Hunter on the RCN strike:
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Mr Mansoor Khan - Trial Outcome

23 December 2022
If anyone has any concerns following the recent guilty verdict of the trial of Mr Mansoor Khan (former Plastic Surgeon at Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust), please contact our dedicated helpline number on 07880278899 or email To confirm the Trust has been reassured by the National Crime Agency investigation team that none of the charges that Mr Khan has been found guilty of relate to any clinical work here at Salisbury District Hospital.  If anyone has any further information relating to this matter, please direct your concerns to the National Crime Agency on 0370 4967622.
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Trial of Mr Mansoor Khan

21 December 2022
If anyone has any concerns during the trial of Mr Mansoor Khan (former Plastic surgeon at Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust), please contact our dedicated helpline number on 07880278899 or email To confirm, the Trust has been reassured by the National Crime Agency investigation team that none of the charges that Mr Khan is on trial for relate to any clinical work here at Salisbury District Hospital. If anyone has any further information relating to this matter, please contact the National Crime Agency on 0370 4967622.
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Salisbury District Hospital opens new state-of-the-art birth centre

28 October 2022
Salisbury District Hospital’s Maternity Unit is now home to the New Beatrice Birth Centre. The centre is run by experienced midwives and is best described as a ‘home away from home’ environment and a middle ground alternative to the traditional labour ward or home birth. The centre, which will receive its first mothers on Monday, offers a safe, friendly environment suitable for women who have had a healthy pregnancy and are expecting to have a straightforward birth. Women can choose to give birth in the centre even if for first babies.
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Salisbury Hospital Signs Menopause Pledge to Improve Staff Support

18 October 2022
Today on World Menopause Day, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust has signed the Menopause Workplace Pledge, led by the charity Wellbeing of Women, to make sure that they are supporting staff experiencing the menopause or peri-menopause, as well as informing and educating colleagues, friends and managers to create a supportive, inclusive workplace. By signing the pledge, the Trust has committed to recognising that the menopause can be an issue in the workplace and must actively offer support and information to employees affected, encouraging them to talk openly, positively and respectfully about the menopause. Pictured above: CEO Stacey Hunter and Chief People Officer Melanie Whitfield with signed Menopause Workforce Pledge.
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Our staff at Salisbury District Hospital have long been well regarded for the quality of care and treatment they provide for our patients and for their innovation, commitment and professionalism. This has been recognised in a wide range of achievements and it is reflected in our award of NHS Foundation Trust status. This is afforded to hospitals that provide the highest standards of care.

Person Centred & Safe





Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, Salisbury District Hospital, Odstock Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 8BJ
T: 01722 336262 E:
© 2025 Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
Trust Values