Salisbury Foundation Trust


What is a Carer?


A carer is someone of any age who provides unpaid support for another person - usually a family member or friend who due to physical or mental illness, disability, frailty or addiction, cannot cope without their support.  

We understand the integral role carers play in supporting our patients. The patient-carer relationship is important, and we recognise this improves both the patient’s and carer’s experience of the hospital. It also helps to promote wellbeing and continuity of care. 

We want to encourage this relationship as much as possible, and it’s important that together we identify, involve and support you in order to get the care of the patient right. 

Depending on the circumstances, some of the care you normally give can continue, while some of it may need to change. We will discuss this with you and work together.

We also know caring for someone can be both emotionally and physically demanding — there is support available for you.


If you are a carer for someone in our hospital please;

  • make our staff aware that you are the person’s carer and that this information (along with your contact details) is added to their patient record
  • discuss with the ward lead how you can continue in your caring role while your cared-for person is in hospital, should you wish.
  • ask us about our carers passport and weekly carers café  
  • contact our patient experience team if you would like to share your experiences of our hospital as a carer: or call 01722 429044.


If you’d like more information or have any questions, you can contact our team on or by calling our PALS department on 01722 429044.

Our staff at Salisbury District Hospital have long been well regarded for the quality of care and treatment they provide for our patients and for their innovation, commitment and professionalism. This has been recognised in a wide range of achievements and it is reflected in our award of NHS Foundation Trust status. This is afforded to hospitals that provide the highest standards of care.

Person Centred & Safe





Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, Salisbury District Hospital, Odstock Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 8BJ
T: 01722 336262 E:
© 2025 Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
Trust Values