Yes, but the pay station machines do not give change or accept notes.
Cash is available from the ATM located in M&S Café at the Main Entrance Level 3.
Change is available from the change machine beside the Doozy drink dispenser located under the stairs at the Main Entrance Level 3.
Please note the digital pay stations do not accept cash payments.
Card and cash pay station 'Digital Pay Station'- CARD ONLY
Yes, card payments are accepted at all pay stations.
Yes, please use the APCOA App:
For iPhone
For Android
The location code is 2759
No, you can pay your car parking charges at one of our pay stations located in the Main Entrance at Level 3 and outside the Springs Entrance on level 2. These pay stations ONLY accept card payment, they DO NOT accept cash.
The car parking charges have not increased, however, we have made changes by introducing a 1-hour parking charge, so you could pay less:
If no Blue Badge bays are available, you are permitted to park in Car Park 8 (main visitor and patient car park) free of charge.
Please note that Blue Badges are only valid in Blue Badge bays or Car Park 8.
If you park outside of these designated areas, standard parking charges will apply, and payment will need to be made.
*To receive 30 mins free parking, when returning to your vehicle, please visit a pay station and enter your vehicle registration number. If you are advised that no payment is required and your free parking period has been accepted, you will receive a grace period to leave the car park.
Car Parking is FREE for all drivers, between 22:00hrs and 06:00hrs.
You can pay at any other pay station or by the App.
Yes, the first 30 minutes of parking is free.
To receive 30 mins free parking, when returning to your vehicle, please visit a pay station and enter your vehicle registration number. If you are advised that no payment is required and your free parking period has been accepted, you will receive a grace period to leave the car park.
The first 30 minutes on the hospital site is free, after this time you will be required to pay for your time on site. We work hard to protect the space reserved for patient and visitor parking, spaces will be available in one of our many patient and visitor car parks.
We have fourteen, 7 kw electric vehicle charging points available in car park 7 which is located adjacent to the Duke of Cornwall Spinal Unit.
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The EV charging points are on the BP Pulse network and are visible on ‘Zap Map’
Vehicle charging fees do not include the cost of parking, parking charges will still apply when using these EV charging points.
You MUST display your Blue Badge clearly on the dashboard of your vehicle and park in one of the designated Blue Badge bays located around the site, as shown on the map below.
If no Blue Badge bays are available, you are permitted to park in Car Park 8 (main visitor and patient car park) free of charge.
Please note that Blue Badges are only valid in Blue Badge bays or Car Park 8.
If you park outside of these designated areas, standard parking charges will apply, and payment will need to be made, failing to do so will result in a PCN being issued automatically via ANPR.
Link to website map siteillustrationwebsite.pdf
If you are receiving one of the following you may qualify for Discounted Parking:
In addition to the above, patients may qualify for a Discounted Season Ticket if attending:
Visitors may apply for a Discounted Season Ticket if they are:
Patients or Visitors applying for Season Tickets need to complete a “Patients’ Parking Season Ticket Request Form” which should then be taken to either the Cashier’s Office, Facilities HQ, or to Switchboard Main Entrance Level 3, where the discounted payment can be made.
These forms are available in the Out-Patient Clinics; Wards; PALS and Facilities Directorate.
Once completed please take your form to either, Switchboard in the Main Entrance Level 3, the Cashiers Office in SDH Central or Facilities HQ in SDH South
Opening times for season tickets are:
Switchboard Main Entrance Level 3 Mon – Fri (Ex BH) 09:00hrs – 13:30hrs
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Cashiers Office Mon – Fri (Ex BH) 09:00hrs – 12:00hrs
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Facilities HQ Mon – Fri (Ex BH) 09:00hrs – 12:00hrs
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Link Drivers can validate their parking when supporting patient travel at Switchboard Main Entrance Level 3 or by having your organisation email the Security & Parking Manager, Simon.Rigler@NHS.NET.
Please take your identification with you.
‘Other’ volunteer drivers can validate their parking when supporting patient travel at Switchboard Main Entrance Level 3 or by having your organisation email the Security & Parking Manager Simon.Rigler@NHS.NET
Please take your identification with you.
The first 30 minutes on the hospital site is free for all drivers and parking is free for all drivers between 22:00hrs and 06:00hrs.
Oncology patients - attending hospital for oncology treatment: to receive FREE parking, please speak to the department you are attending or to Switchboard Main Entrance Level 3 to have your parking validated.
Parents of sick children staying overnight - The parent of a child in hospital overnight is a parent or guardian of a child or young person, under 18 years of age, who is admitted as an inpatient at hospital overnight. They receive free parking between the hours of 7.30pm and 8.00am while visiting the child. This would apply to a maximum of 2 vehicles. Please register your vehicle’s registration number either with the ward or with Switchboard Main Entrance Level 3 upon arrival.
Frequent outpatient attenders (for example Renal patients) Parking will be provided free to all outpatients who attend hospital for an appointment at least 3 times within a month and for an overall period of at least 3 months. A ‘month’ is defined as a period of 30 days. Please speak to the outpatient department you are attending for this type of exemption.
A Data Protection Impact Assessment has been completed with the hospitals Information Governance Team.
In the event of a ‘mis read or failed read’ i.e., if the Vehicle Registration Number (VRN) is dirty, the pay station will ask for a VRN and entry time.
After the running and maintenance costs for the car parks, all remaining funds are used by the Trust in the provision of patient care at Salisbury District Hospital.
No. The hospital car park service is managed by the hospital and the hospital sets the parking terms and conditions and tariff rates.
After the running and maintenance costs, all remaining funds are used by the Trust in the provision of patient care at Salisbury District Hospital.
APCOA are an experienced parking company that have been chosen following a procurement led tender, to support us in the management of our car parks. APCOA manage the operating system, servicing, and maintenance of equipment, for an agreed charge.
Our staff at Salisbury District Hospital have long been well regarded for the quality of care and treatment they provide for our patients and for their innovation, commitment and professionalism. This has been recognised in a wide range of achievements and it is reflected in our award of NHS Foundation Trust status. This is afforded to hospitals that provide the highest standards of care.